Thursday, November 8, 2012

What to Look For When Buying a Home in Another City ? www ...

Several years ago when life threw me a few twists and turns, I found myself looking for a job in a tough economy. I wasn?t having much luck where I was living and while I hadn?t planned on relocating, sometime an opportunity happens that changes your life. So without notice, I packed up my life, cancelled the lease on my apartment and moved to another town across the state I hadn?t heard of until a few days before.


I had never bought a home before, much less one in another city. So what do you look for when you?re looking for real estate out of town? Here are a few tips.



Do Your Research

Other than fabulous blogs (like this one of course!) and social media, one of the other perks of the digital age is that you can find nearly anything online. Do some searches for?www. real estate in the area you?re moving to and see what?s available, take virtual tours and check out photos online.


Ask About Relocation Assistance

If you?re relocating for your career, ask your employer about possible relocation assistance. Even if it doesn?t cover the actual moving costs, they might have some support resources or recommendations to help you get started. My company got me connected with a realtor and a mortgage company, and even set up appointments for me to look at homes and helped book a mover as well. Relocation expenses may also be tax deductible if it?s required for work. Ask your tax advisor for details.



Plan a Scouting Trip
After you?ve narrowed down some potential properties online and through the help of a realtor, make some appointments and plan some visits to check them out in person.


Make Your Purchase
After you find the perfect place to rent or buy, make arrangements to purchase or sign a lease.


Allow for Some Overlap
Moving is a big process, especially if you have a family. There may need to be a few weeks or few months or more where you have both homes and need to live back or forth in either. Be sure to budget and plan accordingly.


Plot the Big Move

After you?ve found the perfect place and you have a closing date in mind, you can start planning logistics for the big move. Start making arrangements for utilities,



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