Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Outside Source Design ? Business and social media

Outside Source Design ? Business and social media

Social media is generating a lot of buzz right now amongst marketers and business owners. Marketers who can leverage social media to help distribute business content and increase the overall community of advocates for their business can experience significant growth. Social media allows your customers and potential customers to communicate directly with you and your employees online, and it allows interesting content to spread quickly.

While new social media tools launch every day, most businesses tend to find the most success with the major players: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

An important part of leveraging social media is to understand what conversations are happening online related to your industry and recognizing where you should respond. Here are some great tools you can use to easily monitor your business and industry mentions in social media:

  • Google Alerts
  • Twitter
  • Google Reader and RSS Feeds
  • Facebook Insights

Facebook will reach 143.4 million U.S. users in 2012, up 8.2% from 132.5 million in 2011 and about 2/3 of web users will use social networks in 2012.

What?s your take on social media? Is it worth considering? If not, why? What issues are you facing with your social media efforts? Post a response or simply give us a call to keep the conversation going.

Or if you?d like to take a deeper dive into this topic, check out our eBook: The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Internet Marketing.



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