Sunday, September 23, 2012

0 comments - Match Making For Boomers

It's painful to feel as though you still love a woman and you are no longer in a relationship with her. That can easily lead you to believe that the best thing that you can do is to find a way to make things work out with her. While that is one option that you can take, it is not the only one. There are times when you do have to just let things go and stay in the past even if you still feel like you love your ex girlfriend.

Here are some tips on how to deal with feeling like you still love your ex girlfriend even though you are no longer in a relationship with her anymore:

1) Realize that you can still feel love for an ex girlfriend and move on with your life.

Just because there are still some lingering feelings there, that does not mean that you need to stay stuck in the past. It may feel comfortable to do that, but sometimes comfort can be a bad thing when it does not allow you to move forward with your life. You don't have to necessarily forget about her or anything like that. You can just move on and see what else is out there.

2) It's much easier to move on when you are able to connect with other people.

If you were to sit at home, alone and think about your ex girlfriend all of the time, then there is no way that you can expect to get over her. You'd just be making any feelings that you have for her grow stronger. On the other hand, if you allow yourself to get out and connect with other people, you might find that your feelings for her start to soften a bit. You can hang out with friends just so that you have a good time and are not by yourself. You can hang out with women so that you can see that there are other options for you.

3) Appreciate the fact that you did have someone that you loved before in your life and use that appreciation to drive you forward.

There are plenty of people out there who deep down feel like they have never really experienced romantic love, so take some time to just appreciate the fact that you have been able to experience that. As they say, "it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." Even though that may sound trite and cliche, it can help to drive you forward so that you can move on to the next relationship or next phase in your life.

One of the hardest things that you have to deal with is finding out that your ex girlfriend is dating again and even though that may seem like the end of the world, it doesn't have to be. You can learn to bounce back and how to win the love of a new woman if you want to.

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