Friday, August 17, 2012

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  • Researchers Create A New Tool To Fight Childhood Obesity August 17, 2012

    Dieters often use online calorie calculators to stay true to their weight-loss plan. Translating the concept to the population health arena, researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health created the Caloric Calculator to help policymakers, school district administrators, and others assess the potential impact of health policy choi [?]

  • The Fight Against Childhood Obesity Looks To School Food August 17, 2012

    Childhood Obesity, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers, has published a special issue dedicated to the role that schools can and should play in providing and encouraging healthy nutrition and good eating habits to help stem the tide of the obesity epidemic in children and adolescents... [?]

  • Hormone Levels Linked To Risk For Metabolic Disease August 17, 2012

    Working with a national team of researchers, a scientist from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute has shown for the first time a link between low levels of a specific hormone and increased risk of metabolic disease in humans... [?]

  • Sleep Apnea, Traditionally Associated With Men, Found At High Rates In Women August 17, 2012

    New research has found high rates of sleep apnea in women, despite the condition usually being regarded as a disorder predominantly of males. The study, published online (16 August 2012) ahead of print in the European Respiratory Journal, also suggested that women with hypertension and/or obesity were more likely to experience sleep apnea... [?]

  • Identification Of Gut Bacteria Linked To Obesity And Metabolic Syndrome August 17, 2012

    Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have identified 26 species of bacteria in the human gut microbiota that appear to be linked to obesity and related metabolic complications... [?]

  • Researchers Discover How To Make Chocolate Healthier August 16, 2012

    According to a new study, researchers at the University of Warwick have discovered how to replace up to 50% of a chocolate's fat content with fruit juice. The study, conducted by Dr Stefan Bon from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick, is published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry... [?]

  • Yo-Yo Dieting Does Not Affect Future Weight Loss Outcomes August 16, 2012

    According to a new study, yo-yo dieting does not have a negative impact on metabolism or the ability to lose weight in the long term. The study, conducted by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, is published online in the journal Metabolism. Anne McTiernan, M.D., Ph.D... [?]

  • Don't Let A History Of Unsuccessful Weight Loss Deter You From Future Attempts To Lose Weight August 16, 2012

    Yo-yo dieting - the repetitive loss and regain of body weight, also called weight cycling - is prevalent in the Western world, affecting an estimated 10 percent to 40 percent of the population. The degree to which weight cycling may impact metabolism or thwart a person's ability to lose weight in the long run has been unclear - until now... [?]

  • Precise Calculation Of The Increase In The Prevalence Of Overweight Children In Germany August 16, 2012

    Scientists working with Professor Dr. Dr. Perikles Simon, head of the Sports Medicine Division of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany, suggest in the light of recent analyses that German children gain weight soon after entering elementary school. From birth up to the age of five years, today's children's weight development is nearl [?]

  • Sedentary Lifestyles Have A Negative Effect On Motor Coordination Skills In Children August 16, 2012

    Children who spend more than three-quarters of their time engaging in sedentary behaviour, such as watching TV and sitting at computers, have up to nine times poorer motor coordination than their more active peers, reveals a study published in the American Journal of Human Biology... [?]

  • Evaluating Benefits And Risks Of Obesity Drugs August 15, 2012

    Obesity currently affects 1 in 3 adults. Now, The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (GW) has released a report representing consensus findings from a cross-section of stakeholders that could help transform the methods used to assess interventions to treat obesity... [?]

  • More Successful Weight Loss With Online Obesity Programs August 15, 2012

    Computer and web-based weight management programmes may provide a cost effective way of addressing the growing problem of obesity, according to a team of seven researchers who undertook a Cochrane systematic review... [?]

  • Larger Babies Often Born To Overweight And Obese Women August 15, 2012

    Among pregnant women who did not develop gestational diabetes, overweight women were 65 percent more likely, and obese women 163 percent more likely, to have overly large babies than their healthy weight counterparts. In this study, an overly large infant was identified based on having a birth weight over the 90th percentile for their gestational age at deli [?]

  • New Approaches For Evaluating Benefits And Risks Of Obesity Drugs Outlined By GWU Consensus Report August 15, 2012

    The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (GW) has released a report representing consensus findings from a cross-section of stakeholders that could help transform the process used to evaluate interventions to treat obesity, a public health crisis that now affects one in three adults... [?]

  • Appearance Matters More Than Health To Young Adults August 15, 2012

    When it comes to college-age individuals taking care of their bodies, appearance is more important than health, research conducted at the University of Missouri suggests... [?]

  • Expert Suggests That Doctors Treat Lack Of Exercise As A Medical Condition August 15, 2012

    A sedentary lifestyle is a common cause of obesity (1), and excessive body weight and fat in turn are considered catalysts for diabetes (2), high blood pressure (3), joint damage (4) and other serious health problems. But what if lack of exercise itself were treated as a medical condition? Mayo Clinic physiologist Michael Joyner, M.D. argues that it should b [?]

  • Hormone In Fruit Flies Sheds Light On Diabetes Cure, Weight-Loss Drug For Humans August 13, 2012

    Manipulating a group of hormone-producing cells in the brain can control blood sugar levels in the body - a discovery that has dramatic potential for research into weight-loss drugs and diabetes treatment... [?]

  • Boosting Self-Control By Thinking Abstractly August 13, 2012

    Many of the long term goals people strive for - like losing weight - require us to use self-control and forgo immediate gratification. And yet denying our immediate desires in order to reap future benefits is often very hard to do... [?]

  • 'Burdens Of Place' Plague Urban Poor; Often Lead To Weight Gain, Obesity August 12, 2012

    Most of America's urban cores were designed for walking but offer little in the way of supermarkets, healthy restaurants and other amenities for residents to walk to, according to a study led by a Michigan State University scholar... [?]

  • Bariatric Patients With OSA Fail To Show Symptoms, Have Greater Risk For Heart Disease, Stroke, Depression And Post-Operative Complications August 12, 2012

    A Rhode Island Hospital researcher has found that the majority of bariatric surgery patients being treated for obesity have clinically significant obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but report fewer symptoms than other sleep disorders patients. The study by Katherine M. Sharkey, M.D., Ph.D... [?]

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