Thursday, December 29, 2011

Literate Partner - Fantasy Romance-ish Roleplay!

Hi, everyone!

I don't normally do this but I'm going to propose something completely different to my usual preferences. A romance fantasy roleplay! Well, at least somewhat romance-ish; consider it as a subplot. Basically, the idea is very fragile and undefined at the moment because it formed suddenly.

I wish to play a female tiefling who would meet your character in one way or another and after that follow him for one reason or another - either out of necessity, curiosity or something else. If you're unfamiliar with tieflings, they are basically humans with some form of fiendish ancestry in their blood and are thus somewhat deformed, with horns, pointed teeth, a tail and so on. I know what you're thinking here again. Oh, no, demons again! Please, bear with me. Tieflings aren't demons, they simply have traits that make them society outcasts for the most part. If you're interested in reading more, feel free to follow this link. There aren't a lot of them about at all and are, because of their dubious ancestry, regarded as second-class citizens, distrusted, shunned and sometimes even taken advantage of or assaulted by vigilantes who think they're doing the right thing.

However, whether you are familiar with the D&D setting or not is irrelevant. Because I am a thieving little bugger, I'm willing to snatch the tiefling race and put it into an original fantasy world created by both of us. I'm leaning more towards a medieval fantasy world than not but we can work things out as we go.

What the actual plot will be, I'm not sure as of yet, but I would definitely wish a romance subplot to develop (can hardly believe I'm asking this!). However this romance develops, I would just like to add that I can't stand instant or artificial romances. It has to come naturally to the characters, although, of course, this sentence sort of negates the previous one. Argh! *head explodes*

A few more final thoughts.
- You will have to be literate and post healthy posts. I won't require lengths that I use for more serious plots but anything around 500+ words would do nicely.
- Be nice and use an instant messaging program.
- Play a male character. Sorry, only a straight romance will do.
- Be dedicated. Even though I might have made this thread sound like I'm only doing this as something to occupy my mind until something better pops in, I'm a dedicated player and won't leave just because I grew bored. If both of us pool our resources into the world and plot, it could become something a lot of fun.

*gulps, presses the submit button*


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