Monday, December 5, 2011

Discussion of Legal Semantic Web Standards and Practices ? Legal ...

A new discussion of legal Semantic Web standards and practices is currently underway. The conversation was begun by Grant Vergottini of Xcential Group, with a new post at the blog entitled What Is a Semantic Web? In that post, Mr. Vergottini poses several questions:

So what if there was a uniform semantic web for legal documents? What standards would be required? What services would be required? Would we need to have uniform standards or could existing fragmented standards be accommodated? Would it all need to come from a single provider, from a group of cooperating providers, or would there be a looser way to federate all the documents being provided by all the sources of law around the world? Should the legal entities that are sources of law assume responsibility for publishing legal documents or should this be left to third party providers?

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Tags: Grant Vergottini, Legal knowledge representation, Legal ontologies, Legal semantic web,, Semantic Web and law


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