Friday, March 1, 2013

9 Comments - Yeshiva World News

Margi Blames Chevra Kadishas for Unnecessary Gender Discrimination and Segregation at Levayas

(Thursday, February 28th, 2013)

tznius.jpgMK (Yesh Atid) Dr. Aliza Lavie asked outgoing Minister of Religious Services (Shas) Yaakov Margi about gender segregation and discrimination at funerals, citing a recent case in Kiryat Gat in which a female was instructed to use a different sink in line with rules of tznius. She spoke of cases in which women were prohibited from giving a hesped.

Margi said that this has nothing to do with Halachic limitations but more so with local policy as set by a chevra kadisha. Lavie lamented the abuse of authority by the burial societies and feels the ministry must increase its activities to prevent such occurrences from taking place in the future.

Margi agreed and stated rabbonim who act in this fashion are exceeding their authority.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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